Membuat Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris yang Simpel!

Membuat lamaran kerja bahasa Inggris yang simpel
Membuat lamaran kerja bahasa Inggris yang simpel

Sebelum membuat surat lamaran dalam bahasa Inggris, kamu harus tahu beberapa unsur yang harus disesuaikan. Berikut cara membuat surat lamaran kerja bahasa Inggris yang baik dan benar:

Pastikan surat lamaran yang kamu buat tidak bertele-tele. Buatlah surat lamaran kerja dengan berisikan informasi yang singkat, padat, dan jelas. Baik itu dalam bahasa asing atau bahasa Indonesia.

1. Memastikan surat lamaran kerja yang singkat, padat, dan jelas

Dalam surat lamaran kerja, ada unsur-unsur yang harus dicantumkan, misalnya seperti:

Nama lengkap, usia, posisi pekerjaan yang hendak dilamar, keterampilan, dan pengalaman bekerja.

Unsur-unsur tersebut akan membedakan kamu dari pelamar lainnya. Apalagi jika kamu menyusun kata-katanya dengan indah! Akan lebih besar kemungkinannya dilirik oleh perekrut nantinya!

2. Memperhatikan grammar

Berbeda dengan bahasa Indonesia, bahasa Inggris memiliki tata bahasa sendiri. Untuk merangkai kalimat penuh dengan benar maka tata bahasanya perlu lebih awal dipelajari.

Bagaimana jika kamu masih belum merasa jago dalam berbahasa Inggris ini, baik lisan atau juga tulisan?

Kemajuan zaman menghadirkan solusi untuk kamu yang ingin mengetahui apakah bahasa Inggris kamu sudah betul atau masih salah secara grammar. Untuk itu kamu bisa menggunakan beberapa situs yang dapat memeriksa grammar secara gratis. Berikut beberapa situsnya:

Setelah mengetahui cara memastikan surat lamaran yang singkat, padat, dan jelas serta situs-situs yang dapat membantumu dalam proses cek grammar dalam bahasa Inggrisnya, berikut kami berikan 3 contoh surat lamaran kerja dalam bahasa Inggris:

Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Simple Untuk Fresh Graduate

Hamada Asahi

Jl. Kenangan No. 20 

Bogor, Jawa Barat 


Dear Human Resources of (Nama perusahaan), 

I am a (Jurusan) graduate of the (Nama perguruan tinggi), and I am writing to apply for the position of a (Jabatan) in (Nama perusahaan). I recently attended an online seminar by your company and received many insights on the role of (Jabatan), which intrigued me. (Nama perusahaan) has exceptional appeal for me because of its vital mission to improve healthcare and reduce illness through research and continuous learning. I am keen on applying the problem-solving, analytical, and communication skills I have honed in my undergraduate studies to contribute to (Nama perusahaan)’s growth. 

I am trained in several techniques such as (Uraikan teknik yang dikuasai). Specifically, the supervisor overseeing my Final Year Research Project wrote a letter of recommendation complimenting me for being a thorough researcher, taking a meticulous and rigorous approach to ensuring experimental accuracy. 

I am inspired by (Nama perusahaan)’s tireless commitment to providing quality and I am excited to be part of your organization. I believe that working as a  (Jabatan) in your organization will allow me to apply my rigorous analytical training to help (Nama Perusahaan) generate quality resolutions. Thank you for taking the time to review my application. I have enclosed my resume and would greatly appreciate an interview opportunity with (Nama Perusahaan) to discuss my suitability for the position further. I can be contacted at (Nomor telepon) or through email at (Email).   

Best Regards, 

(Nama Lengkap)

Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Simple Untuk Lulusan SMA/SMK

Hamada Asahi

Hamada Asahi

Jl. Kenangan No. 20 

Bogor, Jawa Barat 


Dear Human Resources of (Nama perusahaan), 

My name is (Nama lengkap), and I am a graduating senior at (Nama SMA/SMK). I saw your posting for the (Jabatan) role on (Sumber lowongan pekerjaan), and was immediately compelled to apply. My academic and career goals align with the internship’s stated objectives, and I am confident that I have the right skills for the job. 

In addition to taking business-related coursework like Intro to Business and Entrepreneurship, I served as president of my school chapter’s Model United Nations and as secretary of the Student Council. Beyond these extracurricular activities, I also actively volunteer at Rumah Sakit Ibu dan Anak ASIH and the local homeless shelter. Taking on these roles has led to some of my proudest accomplishments, including: 

  • Greeting and helping new patients and visitors as volunteer information desk assistant at Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Bogor. 
  • Regularly delivering formal and impromptu speeches at Model UN meetings and conferences. 
  • Planning a school-wide canned food drive that collected over 400 cans in one month for the local homeless shelter. 

(Nama Perusahaan) is an emerging leader in the educational software industry, making your internship the perfect opportunity to grow my understanding of business development. I have no doubt that my unmatched enthusiasm and eagerness to learn can take the internship to new heights. 

I’ve attached my resume, which further details my skills and involvement in the community. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions about my background. I look forward to the opportunity to speak with you further. Thank you for your time and consideration.   

Best Regards,

(Nama Lengkap)

Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Simple Untuk Internship

Hamada Asahi

Jl. Kenangan No. 20 

Bogor, Jawa Barat 


Dear Human Resources of (Nama perusahaan), 

As a long-time fan of your company (Nama perusahaan), I was excited to see an open position for (Jabatan) on (Sumber lowongan pekerjaan). It would be an amazing opportunity to work with this company and I feel that my academic and professional experience would make me an ideal candidate for the role. 

My academic experience as (Gelar) graduate at (Nama Universitas) University and my achievements such as (Prestasi akademik) have given me the opportunity to work with a diverse team of scientists, journalists and business people. I know your company is looking to gain more attention across many professional disciplines, so my collaborative experience would be an asset. 

I also have a strong work ethic and am dedicated to fulfilling my responsibilities, which would be well suited in an internship at (Nama perusahaan). In my volunteer work, I was recently acknowledged for (Prestasi volunteer). I feel that these skills would be strong assets as your intern this summer. 

In closing, I am excited about this internship opportunity and feel that I can support the future direction of your company. Thank you for your time. I appreciate your consideration. 

Best Regards, 

(Nama lengkap)

Bagaiman? Apakah sudah cukup bermanfaat untuk kamu dalam melamar pekerjaan menggunakan surat lamaran kerja bahasa Inggris? Baca juga surat lamaran kerja simple bahasa Indonesia.

Semoga informasi ini dapat bermanfaat untuk kamu!


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