Aplikasi Gethired

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Banner Designer Specialist

Info Detil :

  • Dirahasiakan
  • Full Time
  • Pria, Wanita
  • Minimal S1
  • Tidak perlu pengalaman
  • Berakhir 29 November 2018


Banner Designer Specialist


As a Banner Designer you'll be having fun and exercising the design aesthetics and creative aspect of banners based on data that provided by Internet Marketing team. You'll be responsible for building the online ads campaign along with the Internet Marketing team.


Awesome Photoshop, illustrator, and Flash skill. Understanding in Actionscript2.0 or/and Actionscript3.0 is a plus. Have good sense of design aesthetics. Able to handle various projects at once in short notice. Ability to work with corporate brand design guidelines. Great attention to details Communicative, have a sense of humor, and able to work in team.

Tentang Perusahaan

We are an internet company that allows individuals and business owners in Indonesia to open and manage their own online stores easily and for free. Tokopedia provides a better online selling experience to the sellers, so that the sellers can provide a better online shopping experience to their customers.

Info Perusahaan

  • Wisma 77 Tower 2 Lantai 2, Jl. Letnan Jenderal S. Parman Kav. 77, Slipi, Palmerah, Wisma 77 Tower 2, Jakarta Barat 11410
  • hrd@tokopedia.com
  • +622180647333
  • 448 karyawan
  • https://www.tokopedia.com