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Quality Assurance Specialist

Info Detil :

  • Dirahasiakan
  • Full Time
  • Pria, Wanita
  • Minimal S1
  • Tidak perlu pengalaman
  • Berakhir 29 November 2018


Quality Assurance Specialist


Ensure the highest quality standard is met for products cleared for deployment to production Understands all the testing concepts and different testing methods/techniques and applies them on their respective products Design and maintain test case documents for the products under test Identify functionality and UI bugs on testing environments and document them with proper reproducible steps and supporting evidences in phabricator Should be able to use test automation tools to automate redundant test cases Should be able to use web and mobile debugging tools like Firebug, logcat, etc Should be good at logical and analytical thinking Open to learning more tools and technologies and taking up higher responsibilities (e.g.: playing scrum master)


Skills: Understand and Apply all the QA processes and testing concepts followed at Tokopedia Software testing : Manual testing, Automation testing, Mobile apps testing (android/ios) Database fundamentals - SQL statements OOPS programming language fundamentals - Java, PHP, Python, etc Understanding of web domain and mobile apps Good to have: Knowledge/Experience in automation testing using tools like Selenium, TestNG, Appium, Monkeytest, Robotium, JUnit, etc. will be an advantge. Knowledge/Experience in testing APIs using tools like SoapUI, Postman, etc Knowledge/Experience in conducting performance tests like load, stress, endurance, etc, using tools like load runner, jmeter, siege, apache benchmark, etc.

Tentang Perusahaan

We are an internet company that allows individuals and business owners in Indonesia to open and manage their own online stores easily and for free. Tokopedia provides a better online selling experience to the sellers, so that the sellers can provide a better online shopping experience to their customers.

Info Perusahaan

  • Wisma 77 Tower 2 Lantai 2, Jl. Letnan Jenderal S. Parman Kav. 77, Slipi, Palmerah, Wisma 77 Tower 2, Jakarta Barat 11410
  • hrd@tokopedia.com
  • +622180647333
  • 448 karyawan
  • https://www.tokopedia.com