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Product Marketing Associate - Growth

Info Detil :

  • Dirahasiakan
  • Full Time
  • Pria, Wanita
  • Minimal S1
  • Berpengalaman min 3 Tahun
  • Berakhir 29 November 2018


Product Marketing Associate - Growth


At Traveloka, Product Marketing role is at the heart of our company's growth. You will be given an exclusive opportunity to learn data-driven marketing including developing growth strategy, marketing optimization and executing it. Apply by sending an e-mail to jobs@traveloka.com with subject Analytics & Marketing You will be responsible for: Develop marketing strategy for fueling business growth using data-driven approach Execute marketing strategy and optimize it for maximum ROI


Passion in data-driven marketing and creating growth Solid analytical and problem solving skills Self-driven, love challenges, have enterpreneurial spirit and get things done Excellent communication, passion, dedication and energy S1/S2 degree from Top Universities in a quantitative field (Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Engineering) or MBA Min. GPA 3.5 on a 4.0 scale Plus: 3-5 years Experiences in e-commerce, online marketing or with management consultancy

Tentang Perusahaan

Industry obstacles and infrastructure limitation do not stop us from developing and transforming the region through ubiquitous and highly usable products, services, platforms, and technological breakthroughs. We hail from ITB, UI, NTU, NUS, CMU, MIT, Stanford, Harvard, and other top universities globally. Our backgrounds range from science olympiad, multinational tech, consulting, academia to entrepreneurship. Be part of a startup experience in cross-functional teams supported by resources of a firmly established company. Grow with the company into the role you want to have.

Info Perusahaan

  • Wisma 77 Tower 1, 7th floor Jl. S. Parman Kav. 77, Jakarta Barat, DKI Jakarta 11410
  • jobs@traveloka.com
  • +628041500308
  • Belum ada informasi jumlah karyawan
  • https://www.traveloka.com